Wyre Forest Green Alliance

United For A Better Future

About the WFGA

Concerns about the climate crisis have led several Wyre Forest Organisations to join together in a Green Alliance. We now have over 40 organisations that have joined, including churches, Women’s Institutes, environmentally conscious businesses and other local community and environmental groups.

We are committed to working with local groups, organisations and with Local Authorities at all levels to support and if necessary challenge them to address and recognise the climate crisis and other environmental issues and to support their local communities in being resilient and to care for our planet.

More details on WFGA Aims and Principles are spelt out on the Join Us page.

We are already feeling the effects of the climate emergency in the Wyre Forest area, with increased frequency of serious flooding and noticeable seasonal changes. Many of the organisations in the Alliance have been working together for many years on useful events such as The Greener Living Fair. Now is the time to step up our efforts to challenge councils and communities to address the threats to our planet and future generations as a matter of the greatest urgency.

Our first major WFGA event was a community arts project, “Art4PlanetEarth” - to raise awareness of COP26 , the Climate Emergency Summit that the UK Government hosted in November.

For the future, the Alliance intends to continue its online workshops and discussion groups and hopefully, when the covid restrictions are lifted, a return to live events in local venues.

Our next major event is the Sustainability Festival. Use the Events button to visit the SustFest web page

The Wyre Forest Green Alliance has been set up with financial help from The National Lottery Community Fund, distributed by Transition Network. We thank National Lottery players for making this possible.

Explore the Transition Bounce Forward initiative
